Blerds, ya tengo ganas de verte poner las cosas que crees, que piensas, o que haces, en vez de las que te resistes a creer, pensar o hacer. Pero bueno, si lo que te asustan son las filtraciones de Wikileaks, deberías quedarte tranquilo, porque me da que son bastante"light". Cuando acabes ese puto examen, date una vuelta por la fuente original y verás.
Un cable al día, qué bueno sería:
En diciembre de 2009, el embajador de Obama en Venezuela advierte del "riesgo" de que el gobierno venezolano expropie recursos de la sanidad privada para reforzar el sistema de salud nacional y mejorar los hospitales públicos.
El cable termina así:
"Another possible consequence is the risk that the GBRV will look to
expropriate private sector medical facilities."
¿Por qué no hablará de este cable El País?
El titular de hoy de El País, si fuera un periódico de verdad, y no una bola de intereses económicos, debería ser: "Las filtraciones de Wikileaks demuestran que los jueces en España están corrompidos y toman todas y cada una de sus decisiones según lo que les dictan sus afinidades políticas o sus contactos diplomáticos."
Veamos dos ejemplos, dos cables del embajador de Estados Unidos en Madrid:
- "The Embassy has enjoyed a close, collaborative relationship with
Fungairino for many years. While it is true that he sometimes seemed to have difficulty delegating responsibility, he was also seen as a key leader by many Spanish prosecutors and a brilliant legal strategist. It appears that his personal and political differences with Conde Pumpido were the main cause of his removal..." http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2006/02/06MADRID293.html - "On March 20, high profile magistrate Baltasar Garzon published an editorial in the left leaning "El Pais" saying that the time had arrived to investigate "criminal responsibility" for the war in Iraq, to include possible charges against former President Aznar, PM Blair, and President Bush, thus linking Aznar not just with the Spanish troop deployment, but with full responsibility for the war (...) The Ambassador contacted National Security Adviser Carles Casajuana on March 21 to express his concern regarding the increasingly shrill rhetoric on Iraq on the part of the ruling Socialist Party and its allies. Casajuana said that (...) the PSOE had judged that it could counter attack by resurfacing the Iraq issue and going after Aznar himself (...) but said he expected the Iraq issue to run its course in the next couple of days (...) The Ambassador asked that President Zapatero act to tamp down the matter and avoid fueling anti-American sentiment as the political campaign continued. http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/cable/2007/03/07MADRID520.html